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Workshop (120 minutes) #249

Room A332
Thursday, June 25, 2020
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM


Sisters & Brothers: Creative Reflexivity | Canas


Ms Tania Canas
Arts Gen

#249 Canas: Sisters & Brothers: Creative Reflexivity

12:30 PM - 2:30 PM


Sisters & Brothers is an 8-session arts program designed to address race-based discrimination within primary schools through cultural education, storytelling, music and song writing. The program is delivered by Artist Facilitators who use their lived experience of racial discrimination to have meaningful discussions about how to identify and intervene safely when race-based discrimination is witnessed. Sisters and Brothers is Arts Generators longest standing program, operating successfully for over 6 years.
Arts Generator works with communities experiencing structural disadvantage in the western region and inner north of Melbourne. It provides creative avenues to reflect on race-based discrimination, power and privilege. Initiatives seek to engage individuals, communities and organisations in conversations about inequity to impact change.
The modified workshop for the conference will explore: bystander intervention in a race-based discriminative situation, by using roleplay scenarios and strategies to share how creativity can foster alliances, develop new ways of understanding challenges and working in empowering ways.
