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SunL09 Roundtable |

Room C209
Sunday, June 28, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Feminist solidarity in the classroom: Strategies for teaching about gender and justice | Dutt


Dr Anjali Dutt
University Of Cincinnati

Feminist solidarity in the classroom: Strategies for teaching about gender and justice

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Societies globally have made significant strides in advancing gender justice. Simultaneously, substantial backlash to feminist progress has been felt all over the world. These changes and reactions have a meaningful impact on the ways we teach, discuss, and engage in actions related to gender, gender identity, and feminism in university classrooms. For example, where many universities now require students to complete sexual assault awareness and prevention trainings, several prominent politicians in the United States, including the US president and the most recently appointed US Supreme Court Justice have been charged with committing sexual assault my multiple women. Additionally, #MeToo movements have spread awareness of gender inequity and the prominence of sexual assault culture throughout the world. In this roundtable we will collectively discuss the challenges of teaching about gender and social justice based on the presenters' scholarship in community psychology and experiences teaching in a variety of university contexts. Further, we will open up space for shared discussion, reflection, and strategy development on the following topics: teaching foundational material in ways that resonate with Generation Z students, incorporating diverse theoretical, political, activist and policy viewpoints in the classroom, teaching and learning from students who have personal experience with gender-related trauma, the challenges and benefits of teaching about gender in single-sex/gender institutions and/or classrooms, managing institutional mismatch with the aims of gender justice courses, and focusing on the long arc of gender justice during difficult times. We will collectively explore these and other topics, and will develop a contact list of attendees with shared interests and experiences who wish to continue sharing tips, insights, and support related to this topic.
