Keynote speaker #01
Friday, April 26, 2019 |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
Plenary (Ballroom 1 & 2 Cabaret) |
Kenneth Pakenham - Living Fully with Illness: A New Generation of Health Psychology Interventions
Prof Kenneth Pakenham
Professor of Clinical and Health Psychology
The University of Queensland
Living Fully with Illness: A New Generation of Health Psychology Interventions
9:45 AM - 10:30 AMAbstract
Patients and health practitioners alike can become preoccupied with the negative factors associated with serious health conditions and overlook the person’s capacity for living fully, despite illness. Consequently, many health psychology interventions focus on removing or reducing the negative features and neglect patient strengths. Different health psychology interventions are often developed for specific mental health problems and then again for different physical medical conditions. However, given the vast number of serious mental and physical health conditions, this approach is duplicative and uneconomical. Although many health psychology interventions are developed, evaluated and published, few are integrated into frontline services and delivered by health practitioners in the longer term.
In response to these challenges, this keynote proposes a shift towards developing health psychology interventions that are strength-based, trans-diagnostic and ecologically valid. Patient strength‐oriented interventions that foster connection and commitment to personal values are likely to optimise patients’ realisation of their full potential in the context of illness-related limitations. Interventions that harness generic therapeutic processes, which target trans-diagnostic psychopathology processes, are likely to have broad reach and increased efficiency across a wide range of medical conditions. Interventions with demonstrated ecological validity are likely to be sustained in ‘real world’ community and clinical settings. Examples of enduring innovative health psychology interventions built around these characteristics will be presented.
This workshop will introduce participants to an empirically supported Acceptance and Commitment Therapy group-based resilience training intervention for people with chronic illness called REsilience Activities every DaY (READY). After a brief presentation on the theory and research underpinning READY, participants will be guided through the READY program. Participants will personally experience each of the seven READY modules. The workshop will present READY content, experiential exercises, group activities, out of session practice tasks and resources. Conversion of the group READY program into a digital format will also be discussed. Based on findings from evaluations of prior similar workshops delivered to health practitioners, participants will not only gain knowledge and competencies in resilience training, but also top up their own resilience resources.
In response to these challenges, this keynote proposes a shift towards developing health psychology interventions that are strength-based, trans-diagnostic and ecologically valid. Patient strength‐oriented interventions that foster connection and commitment to personal values are likely to optimise patients’ realisation of their full potential in the context of illness-related limitations. Interventions that harness generic therapeutic processes, which target trans-diagnostic psychopathology processes, are likely to have broad reach and increased efficiency across a wide range of medical conditions. Interventions with demonstrated ecological validity are likely to be sustained in ‘real world’ community and clinical settings. Examples of enduring innovative health psychology interventions built around these characteristics will be presented.
This workshop will introduce participants to an empirically supported Acceptance and Commitment Therapy group-based resilience training intervention for people with chronic illness called REsilience Activities every DaY (READY). After a brief presentation on the theory and research underpinning READY, participants will be guided through the READY program. Participants will personally experience each of the seven READY modules. The workshop will present READY content, experiential exercises, group activities, out of session practice tasks and resources. Conversion of the group READY program into a digital format will also be discussed. Based on findings from evaluations of prior similar workshops delivered to health practitioners, participants will not only gain knowledge and competencies in resilience training, but also top up their own resilience resources.
Dr Pakenham is a Professor of health and clinical psychology in the School of Psychology at The University of Queensland. His psychology research and clinical practice spans 35 years. Inspired by the resilience of people with serious illnesses, he has committed his career to investigating the processes that foster personal growth in the context of health adversities, and to translating his findings into interventions that help people live fully with illness, including carers. Through 130 publications, more than 6,000 citations of his work, over 70 conference presentations, three research awards, and more than two million dollars of competitive grant funding, he has become a world leader in the application of positive health frameworks to several chronic illnesses and to caregiving in these contexts.
The “living fully with illness” theme integrates his early research in stress/coping theory, his mid-career shift to incorporate positive psychology, and his current focus on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). He developed the first university ACT course in Australia. Through 10 teaching focused publications, conference presentations, and five teaching awards, he has become a leader in integrating therapist and self-care training using ACT. Recently he has focused on developing innovative ACT interventions that build resilience in people with chronic illness and their carers.
Session Chair
Antonina Mikocka-Walus
2019 Health Committee
Deakin University
Kate Obst
University of Adelaide
Justyna Pollok
The University of Adelaide
Andriana Tran
University of Adelaide