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A30 | Organisational information security: should you reward or punish employees? | Rapid research 20 mins

Track A | Lagoon Room 1 | Filmed
Saturday, July 9, 2022
12:30 PM - 12:50 PM
Lagoon Room 1


In-person live +


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Mr Denvar Summers
Phd Candidate
University Of Adelaide

Organisational information security: should you reward or punish employees?

12:30 PM - 12:50 PM

Promotional description

As the use of organisational data increases, so too do the risks associated with a breach. Given the majority of cyber security incidents occur as a result of human error, developing information security awareness among employees is an effective way to reduce these risks. However, there has been little empirical assessment on the effect rewards and punishments can have on information security awareness. This study sought to investigate the relationship between organisational rewards, punishments, and information security awareness.

Learning outcomes

At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees should have a better understanding of the factors that can influence employee information security behaviours. Additionally, the impact of rewards and penalties on information security culture will be discussed and participants should have an improved understanding of the complexities involved in developing and maintaining a strong culture of security. Attendees will benefit through improved knowledge of the discipline, and intervention strategies that can be implemented to combat poor information security practices. Attendees will further have improved knowledge regarding the influence of formal information security policies.


Summers, Denvar S; McCormac, Agata; Parsons, Kathryn M; Butavicius, Marcus A.


Denvar Summers completed his undergraduate and honours study at Flinders University and has been a combined PhD/Masters of Psychology (Organisational and Human Factors) student at the University of Adelaide since 2018. His research involves the assessment of work safety climate, with a specific focus on developing a brief measure for the construct that is both statistically and practically relevant. Denvar is a student committee member for the South Australian College of Organisational Psychologists and is interested in all facets of the discipline. He has previously presented his research at the APS 14th Industrial and Organisational Psychology conference in 2019 and also competed in the 3-minute thesis competition.
Ms Agata McCormac

Organisational information security: should you reward or punish employees?

12:30 PM - 12:50 PM


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Dr Kathryn Parsons

Organisational information security: should you reward or punish employees?

12:30 PM - 12:50 PM


Katie Parsons is an organisational psychologist with a PhD in psychology. She currently works with the Defence Science and Technology Group and she is also an Adjunct Lecturer within the School of Psychology at the University of Adelaide. Her current role focuses on orgnaisational culture and change, and her research involves applying psychological principles to human factors and organisational problems.