Client outcomes, the next frontier for private practice and Medicare

Track 2
Saturday, May 16, 2020
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Agenda Item Image
Aaron Frost
Benchmark Psychology

Client outcomes, the next frontier for private practice and Medicare

10:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Assumed knowledge of attendee

Beginner (casual familiarity with topic area e.g., treated one case)

Level of learning



Despite almost 70 years of evidence based treatment, and hundreds of specific treatment approaches, therapeutic outcome remain largely unchanged. For clients, this means mental health is one of the only areas of medicine where the chances of getting better in 1960 have not improved by 2019.
Advances in non-specific factors have given some clues as to how therapeutic outcomes can move forward. However, the most promising developments have been from the interlinked fields of quality assurance frameworks in psychotherapy, and advances in deliberative practice around psychotherapy outcomes.
This growing body of research offers a clear pathway forward for better outcomes for clients. Dr Aaron Frost has been a national leader in the implementation of outcomes driven practice within a large private practice setting. His team has collected complete datasets for over 5000 clients over 8 years. He also consults for both government and the NGO sector as to how to both measure and improve outcomes. Dr Frost was on the APS board of directors that approved the most recent white paper in Medicare funding for psychology, and has an intimate understanding of what the heavy outcome measurement focus of these recommendations will mean for private practitioners.

Learning outcomes

At the conclusion of this workshop, participants should be able to:
• Implement basic outcome tracking systems for their clients


Aaron is the director and founder of Benchmark Psychology, one of the only large Australian group practices routinely tracking client outcome data. Aaron is a certified training with the International Centre for Clinical Excellence and is a thought leader in the area of outcome tracking within private practice.