Clinical Governance: Vital to success in challenging times

Track 4
Friday, May 15, 2020
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Agenda Item Image
Ms Kaye Frankcom
Masters of Psychology (Clinical)
Kaye Frankcom Consulting

Clinical Governance: Vital to success in challenging times

10:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Assumed knowledge of attendee

Beginner (casual familiarity with topic area e.g., treated one case)

Level of learning



We live and practice in complex and changing times. Practice management and clinical excellence are the key to quality and safety in health care. How to integrate compliance, treatment effectiveness, a positive workplace culture, leadership in a sustainable business model is the question that is on the mind of psychologists. This is particularly the case for solo practitioners or small-medium group practices. This workshop will help your build the essential policies and procedures for your practice.

Learning outcomes

At the conclusion of this workshop, participants should be able to:
• Understand clinical governance and how it relates to private psychology practice
• Self assess against the PPMS v3
• Develop a set of policies and procedures relevant to the practice context


Kaye is an accomplished businesswoman, and leader in the health sector. She is an endorsed clinical and counselling psychologist, consultant to the insurance industry, in-demand speaker and trainer and has held national roles in psychology regulation and professional standards. She operated a successful group psychology practice in Williamstown, Victoria for 18 years and sold it in 2018. She is the author of the APS Private Practice Management Standards. She is the ‘go to’ person for her profession, was on the first Psychology Board of Australia and was instrumental in the process of establishing national standards for the psychology profession. More recently in her consultancy practice, she has been appointed to Clinical Governance roles in Primary Health Networks, has undertaken reviews of various private practice and NFP agencies and mentored and coached psychology practice directors nationally. She holds and adjunct appointment with Deakin University and is a Fellow of the APS.