Oral 05 | Wisdom therapy: expanding the 3rd wave towards transformational change

Track 9
Friday, May 15, 2020
1:30 PM - 3:10 PM


Agenda Item Image
Dr Shani Robins
Stanford University & Wisdom Therapy Institute

Oral 05 | Wisdom therapy: expanding the 3rd wave towards transformational change

2:50 PM - 3:10 PM


Wisdom Therapy is proposed as an integration of western and eastern practices that are now empirically based psychological science. Whereas Western Psychological Science has been primarily focused on cultivating a healthier 'self', Eastern practices have focused more on transcending the 'self'. Approaches and techniques such as CBT, Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Gratitude, Empathy & Compassion, Humility, and Ego Transcendence will be discussed, both conceptually from literatures such as positive psychology, as well as in treatment outcomes for clinical populations. New, practical techniques will be presented as augmenting methods for facilitating these skills, such as visual illusions and short videos. Outcome data will be presented on anger reduction as a result of an interaction between CBT, Humility, and Narcissism.


Shani Robins, Ph.D. is an instructor at Stanford University where he teaches his Wisdom course in Stanford’s Well-Being Program and his Wisdom Therapy course in Stanford Medical School’s Health Improvement Program. He is a California Board licensed Psychologist, is a National Institute of Mental Health Fellow, has pioneered the field of Wisdom TherapyTM in 1998, and is the founder and president of the Wisdom Therapy Institute (www.wisdomtherapy.com). Dr. Robins is the author of many scientific journal articles and book chapters. He trains Ph.D. clinical interns and teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in couples therapy, clinical, cognitive, social, health, developmental, research, and positive psychologies. In addition to his research, teaching, and clinical practice, Dr. Robins is also a corporate consultant for Fortune 100 companies and has given numerous talks and trainings nationally and internationally on the applications of Wisdom Therapy and Emotional Intelligence to workplace stress reduction, anger management, conflict resolution, and productivity. Dr. Robins is an avid racquetball player and also enjoys playing chess and GO. He rollerblades, salsa dances, runs the occasional marathon, and strives to appreciate the simple things.